Starting Aware Fair & Equitable Labs

Below you find information about the past 2024 SAFE Labs workshop.
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“Starting Aware Fair & Equitable Labs” is a new meeting for principal investigators at the beginning of their research career. The importance of welfare, equity—both within and between research groups—and sustainability in academic science has become increasingly evident in recent years. However, related initiatives at conferences are often focused on established research groups even though they are less-able to change their work environments or practices. SAFE labs addresses this issue with a targeted meeting specifically for new group leaders. The deadline for applications is March 15th!
The meeting will bring together a group of researchers in the biological sciences from across Europe to benefit from each other’s experience, foster community, and better-understand the common, and divergent, problems faced by new researchers in different countries. There will be no scientific talks as part of the program (there are plenty of meetings for that!). Instead, discussions will be centred around building successful, equitable, fair, and environmentally sustainable labs.
SAFE Labs will take place from May 5th to 8th, 2024 at the Palazzone di Cortona. We aim to select 10-12 attendees. Accommodation at this beautiful residence will be covered for all applicants, and we hope to also cover all transport (if by train) and food costs. The meeting is funded through University College London’s Global Engagement Fund, and was organised with support from Prof. Franco Ligabue at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

The program is yet to be finalised, and will depend on the preferences of the successful applicants. We expect topics will include (but not be limited to):
–Equity and Diversity
–Team management
–Sustainable research
–Institutional Politics
–Career Development
The meeting will take place over 2 days (3 nights). Attendees should arrive on May 5th (hopefully in time for dinner) and expect to leave after breakfast on May 8th.
SAFE Labs is designed to be an open and welcoming space for new principal investigators. Therefore, we are prioritising applications from individuals who have been running an independent research group for less than 3 years. However, if you have been running your group for more than 3 years, but still consider yourself to be at the beginning of your research career, please do apply, and explain your reasoning in the application form.
Applicants must have started their own group, or have a confirmed position as an independent group leader, at the time of application. We welcome applications from any European country (although see the section on transportation costs), and from across the biological sciences. We particularly encourage applications from groups underrepresented in the scientific community.
The meeting will be held in the Renaissance palace: Palazzone di Cortona. Cortona is a small village in Tuscany, approximately 1 hour by train from Florence, or 2 hours from Rome, Siena, and Pisa. The Palazzone is located outside the ancient town walls, and is a short (1.5 km) walk from the centre of Cortona.
By train
We encourage all attendants to travel by train. There are two railway stations, Terontola-Cortona and Camucia-Cortona, on the track from Florence to Rome. These are also easily reachable from Perugia (Assisi). Both are connected to Cortona by bus. Both Florence and Rome have excellent international train connections throughout Europe.
By plane
The closest airport is Perugia; the next best is Florence, but for intercontinental flights is Rome. Another option is Pisa. From any of these locations it is easy to reach Cortona by train, as described above.
We hope to cover all train transportation expenses. However, in support of making science more sustainable, and due to budgetary considerations, we do not intend to cover flight costs. If you would like to attend the meeting, but would be unable to join if forced to pay for your own flights, please mention this in your application and we will take it under consideration.
Applications are now closed for the 2024 meeting. The organising committee will evaluate applications and notify all candidates of the results before March 27th.

Philip (Pip) Coen

Letizia Mariotti
IN-CNR, Italy

Stéphane Bugeon
INMED, France

Federico Rossi
IIT, Italy
I’m a postdoc looking for a position. Can I join?
Unfortunately not. However, if you have a confirmed position to begin an independent group within the next year, then please apply!
Can I attend remotely?
Although we appreciate the benefits of remote attendance, we feel that it is not suited to the free-flowing and open discussions planned for this meeting. Therefore, all attendees are expected to be present in person for the full duration
Why only Europe and Biological Sciences?
Although some topics are common to all labs across the globe, others depend on the research area and/or geographic location (e.g. sustainability, conference attendance, funding, recruitment). For this reason, and because of the focused nature of the meeting, we are limiting applicants to Europe and the biological sciences.
Who designed your logo?
Our logo was custom-designed for SAFE Labs by Jaina Chavda
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Yes! fill out this form and you will be added to a mailing list for notifications about future meetings